Payday loans are considered as short term loans that you can use to support you during tough times especially concerning monetary troubles. There are a lot of people who wish to be in the know about payday loans. Before using payday loans, one must know the involved costs and consequences to avert losing much money. In this article, you can have a quick overview on how a payday loans works. Additional facts and info about the proper use of them and safe business deals will also be tackled.
Definition Of Payday Loans
Payday loans are loans that are normally applied for by people who are in need of some quick hard currency. Payday loans are there for when you are temporarily short of cash and need some for a emergency. The normal time frame for a payday loan is about a couple of weeks. This only applies if you ask to borrow a small amount, like a 2 of hundred dollars.
To be able to ask for a payday loan, the person normally writes a bank check stating the amount to be borrowed which as well includes a fee. Usually, the one who is requesting the loan leaves the bank check with the lender.
But what if you can not repay it on time? You can keep it rolling over and have the loan to be extended. You do not have to pay back it at once, although if you do not repay it all at once, you may find it startling that your fees keep on amassing.
Payday Loans Costs
In general payday loans are quite an pricey way to lend money. People who do take this path to borrow money pay a annual percentage rate or APR that adds up to an overwhelming percentage. As an example, if you have borrowed $200 to be paid back in two weeks, you can pay back a fee of $40 and if you do not repay the borrowed amount and the fees in that time, you may find it very worrisome that you will have pay back a always increasing interest rate. This kind of percentage can be quite terrifying, particularly for those who are only able to make repayments of a established amount that there budget will allow.
Pitfalls Of Payday Loans
One of the key pitfalls of payday loans is that the company does not truly help you solve your problem regarding financial problems. They only make the problem at hand even worse because of the high percentage they are imposing on their clients. Irrespective of what your problem is, the loan company does not truly care for as long you pay the amount and fee adjoined with it. Because of the percentage fee that is connected to the amount to be borrowed instead of helping you up, it just pulls you down.
Although, in an emergency or a time of crisis, payday loans can be very useful. You need to consider all the risks before applying for one. At particular times payday loans do make a lot of common sense, particularly if you are in serious need of some quick money. This would only apply to short term payday loans. There is a complete difference with long term payday loans.
Problems will spring up, if the bank checks you have written out to the lending company bounce. This will come out on your credit data file and report. The result? You will find that very few banking companies are ready to deal with you.
Payday Loan Alternatives
There are lots of alternatives to payday loans. These are just a few:
Making your own emergency fund that will be kept in your savings account but this one’s easier said than done.
Open a credit card for emergency purposes, once again this can be dangerous, as a lot of people will just end up using the card anyhow.
Get a part time occupation (but this will take some time and will not be very helpful when a on the spot emergency arises)
Consider a peer lending service for a better and more honest deal.
To sum up, payday loans are ideal in times of crisis or an emergency, but must solely be looked at as a short term answer!