Cause and pathogenesis of diabetes
The etiology and pathogenesis of diabetes are complex, not yet completely clear that the traditional doctrine that the following factors: First, genetic factors It is universally acknowledged that diabetes is a hereditary disease, genetic studies have shown that the incidence of diabetes in the family of origin and non-blood relatives in a significant difference in the former than the latter than 5 times. Ⅰ type of diabetes in the cause of the importance of genetic factors to 50% in diabetes-Ⅱ in the importance of its more than 90%, so Ⅱ type of diabetes caused by genetic factors, diabetes was significantly higher than Ⅰ type. Second, the spirit of the factors Over the past decade, Chinese and foreign scholars to confirm the spirit of a factor in the occurrence of diabetes, development, accompanied by the spirit of that tension, excitement and a variety of emotional stress, lead to increased blood sugar in a large number of hormone secretion, such as growth Hormone, norepinephrine, glucagon and ACTH, and so on. Third, obesity factors At present, that obesity is an important diabetes-induced as a result, about 60% -80% of adult patients with diabetes incidence in the former are obese, the degree of obesity and diabetes incidence was directly proportional to show that there is basic research material: with age Growth, decreasing physical activity, the body fat and muscle ratio has changed as well. Since the 25-year-old to 75 years old, muscle tissue decreased by weight accounted for 47% to 36%, while the fat from 20% to 36%, the Department of the elderly, especially elderly people fat and more fat in diabetes increased One of the main reasons. Fourth, long-term over-feeding Instead of eating too much restraint, nutrition, already have a potential function of the lower insulin β cell burden, and induced diabetes. Now at home and abroad have also formed a "life of the more affluent, more plump body, the more increase in diabetes". In recent years, with diabetes research and the deepening of understanding, from molecular biology, ultrastructure electron microscopy, immunology, biochemistry and other physiological point of control for cable, and the cause of diabetes pathogenesis and new Understanding. V. Infection Juvenile diabetes and HIV infection have a significant relationship between infection themselves will not trigger diabetes, can only make the invisible other than a significant diabetes. VI pregnancy Experts found that the number of pregnancies and the incidence of diabetes, so many easy pregnancy-induced weakening of the genetic factors of diabetes. Seven genetic factors Diabetes is the current scientific view that several genes from damage caused by: Ⅰ diabetes --- the sixth human chromosome to the short arm of the gene HLA-D injury; Ⅱ type 2 diabetes - insulin gene, insulin receptor gene, glucose solution Enzyme genes and mitochondrial DNA damage. In short, no matter what type of diabetes, either because of genetic susceptibility and the incidence or environmental factors, the incidence of HIV infection, are in the final analysis, caused by damaged genes. In other words, diabetes is a genetic disease.
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